If I were woman/female.
I am pleased to being man. So I couldn't imagine anything if I were woman. The image of woman in my mind is not good. Because woman has to bear various pain, pain to give birth, pain of menstrual cramps, relationships between girls and so on. I have heard that pain to give birth was comparable to the pain, such as issuing a watermelon from the nose. This is unimaginable thing for me. But sometimes, I think it enviable. Man can't produce life. This point of woman is not only bad thing but also good thing. I think pain of menstrual cramps is the worst pain for woman. Woman has to rest lessons because of it. Also, it makes cost to buy a napkin. The relationships between girls is primary reason why I don't want to become woman. Woman gives compliments to each other two or more times than man. Man says directly things. I don't have good images for woman as mentioned above. But they are just my images.
I wrote about the bad points of woman, but there are good points. First, woman can give birth. As above, it is painful but I think there is value to feel great emotion more than pain. How great is the emotion after giving birth? Become pregnant and live with baby in stomach and give birth. This is only thing that girls can experience. Next, the width of the fashion of woman is wider than that of man. Girls can wear both pants and skirt. When they wear skirt, they are said to be girl-like. And when they wear pants, they are said to be cool. But in the case of boys, when they wear skirt, they are never said to be cool. Sometimes it is thought that they are effeminate. We can also say it in the point of shoes. Have you seen a man wore high-heeled shoes? A heel is not high in most of the shoes which men wear. There are many kinds of shoes for the woman. So, girls can enjoy their fashion more than boys. Then, girls can be treated carefully. It is said Ladies first in the world. The man has to open the door for woman, walk the road side in order to protect woman from snatching and an accident and so on. I try hard to treat woman carefully. But sometimes, I want to be treated as woman. I want to feel the feeling like the princes because it is that I cannot feel in the man.
Finally, I write about my dream that I would have if I were woman. I would have dream to become a cabin attendant. It is very very very hard to become a cabin attendant but I think I can have valuable experiences. I can go different country from certain country and interchange with the people who come from various countries. Also, when I boarded an airplane before, waiting on customers to passengers of cabin attendant was great. And I held the desire to want to be like this reliable person. Therefore I would try to become a cabin attendant.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Animal Experiments
Animal Experiments
SummaryAnimal experiments is done in order to research safety, efficacy and the risk of operation of all substances.
Animal testings is mainly for development of medicine, is partly for contributing to the public health, is the things experimenters need to make implementation. The necessity of it is shown clearly in the theoretical principle of medical research involving human subjects, that is Declaration of Helsinki.This declaration claims that we have to reflect on the era of unethical human experiments had been conducted, and have to get enough scientific knowledge before conducting human experiments.
Animal experiments is criticized that it is unethical. It often harms animal happiness, in other word Quality Of Life(QOF), Activities of Daily Living(ADL) and Standard Of Living(SOL). This is why animal experiments is criticized. Also, using target drug or doing poison of diet, administration, exposure and so on with predicting that it harms the happiness of animals, is abuse in a broad sense.In addition, "The happiness of animals" or "The right of animals" described in this statement is one way of thinking and there is discussion on treating animals equally.And there is criticism from scientific side that claim that there is possibility in animal experiments to drive the wrong conclusion about the human health because there is majestic species differences between humans and animals.(for example, the difference of reaction to HIV virus.)
Experimental Animals
Experimental animals are often mammal because it is thought that we can get better date the time when animal is closer to the human. Monkeys, dogs and miniature pigs are used as large animals, and rats, guinea pigs and rabbits as small animals. In the past of Japan, pet dogs and cats, that had been brought to the health center or captured, were used. But recently, it became common sense to use animals that are bred for experiments from the beginning.
3R is the idea for the reference of animal experiments and it means "Replacement", "Reduction" and "Refinement." It was proposed by Rassell and Bruch British researchers in 1959.
・Replacement:Low of animal species unconscious with no sense, An alternative to in vitro experiments, Elimination of duplicate experiments.
・Reduction: Reduction of the number of animals used, scientifically minimum number of animals used necessary.
・Refinement: Pain relief, Euthanasia measure, Improvement of breeding environment, etc.
Direction of animal experiments
In recent years, from animal welfare and theoretical problem in many parts of the world, The behavior of organization against animal experiments has been activated. In the EU, as well as the activation of movement against animal experiments tend to ban animal experiments and sales of products done animal experiments.
・Test-Banー Since March 2009, the animal experiments in cosmetics raw materials has been banned in the EU. Since 2013, animal experiments of pharmacokinetic, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity in safety testing of cosmetics in the exception area has been banned.
・Sale-BanーSince March 2013, regardless of whether an alternative method has been established, selling cosmetics and materials done animal experiments has been banned.
Favor the Opposite
As mentioned above, the opinions that agree with animal experiments are few. Most of the opinion about animal experiments is the opposite opinion. There are many organizations against animal experiments. JAVA stands for JAPAN ANTI-VIVISECTION ASSOCIATION, works to get people to understand importance of animal life. For example, animals used in experiments, abandoned dogs and cats, animals used for fur and so on.
If you are interested in this organization, check it from here.
→ http://www.java-animal.org/about-java/
My opinion
I am adamantly opposed to animal experiments. Animal is the same creature with us. By chance, we just have high capacity to speak and use the brain. But otherwise, we might be inferior to animals. So, I think we don't have the right affects animal's life. In addition,animal experiments is not sure because our bodies are different from animals. Therefore, I disagree with animal experiments.
Thank you for reading.
Please try to think about animal experiments.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Nigeria cuisine.
Nigerian Cuisine
First, do you know where Nigeria is and what country Nigeria is? Let me introduce you about Nigeria. Federal Republic of Nigeria, where is located in Southern Africa, is the federal republic nation and one of British Commonwealth member nations. In 1960, North Province, Western Province,Eastern Province, it became independent from United Kingdom as three states of the Federal Republic.There are four races in Nigeria, Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba and Ibo. Also, there are several hundreds of tribes. Dominant ethnic group in the north are Hausa do commerce and agricultural, and Fulani Nomadic widely distributed in West Africa. In the south, Yoruba in the west and Ibo in the east.Next,Basic staple foods are Yam potato like taro, Cassaba, Semolina made from the same type flour of spaghetti, and rice. Basic of how to eat staple food is "Pounded." Pounded is the thing like rice cake. People put it to the source by using naked hands. But, there are differences between four races. Characteristics of each ethnic is as below.
Since Hausa is distributed in arid regions, their staple food is cereal, like sorghum, millet and corn. They also eat Couscous of the people of desert, too. In recent years, rice is becoming staple food. At lunch and dinner, they eat "Tuwo"(the grain made to dough) with "Soya" or "Miya" (a kind of stew).There are various variations to "Meya", vegetables,pumpkin, beans, meats and so on.
Traditionally, they take their livestocks and move to the place where livestocks can live and live by their livestocks. They have engaged in their lives, but some decides to settle down now. Their main foods are "Milet", milk and meats of their livestocks.
With further south than the residential areas of Fulani and Hausa, humidity and rainfall are high, so climate is different. Therefore, their staple foods are potatoes as yam and so on. Also, they eat corn, beans and rice. There is stew of many vegetables called "Efo Riro."
Main food of Ibo, which lives across Cameroon, is yam. They use a kind of melon that "Egushi" and bitter leaf in cooking.
Nigerian Cuisine Recipe
Ofe Akwu : Igbo-style Banga Stew/Soup
Ofe Akwu is a palm nut stew that is native to the Igbos in Nigeria.
It is similar to the Efik's Banga Soup,which is traditional prepared with native spices, known as Banga spices.These spices gives the soup a unique taste and flavor, which makes it a bit different from the Igbo's Ofe Akwu.
It's common to see Ofe Akwu served as a sauce for boiled Rice oryams,but you can also enjoy it with boiled plantains and a lot more.
Here's how to prepare it.
Ofe Akwu Ingredients:
* 400g of canned Palm fruit pulp/ 500g Palm Fruits
* 500g of boiled Beef
* 1/2 cup of cooked dried fish (optional)
* 1/2 cup of cooked stock fish (optional)
* 150 ml of Beef stock (from the cooked meat)
* 150g fresh Mackerel fish(Titus fish)
* 2 Handful shredded Ugwu OR Scent leaves OR Spinach
* 1 small onion bulb, finely chopped
* 1 tablespoonful ground crayfish
* 1 stock cube
* Chili pepper or scotch bonnet( to taste)
* Salt to taste
Cooking Directions for Ofe Akwu
*If you would be using fresh palm kernel fruit(nut),you'll have to wash and boil for 30 minutes and check to be sure the skin is soft enough and peels off easily.
Then pound lightly in a mortar to extract the oil. Make sure you don't break the nuts,while pounding. Pour in some hot water, mix well and strain the extract through a sieve.
Put in a pot and boil until it thickens and the oil rises to the top.
*If you'll be using the canned palm nut pulp, pour into a pot and heat until the oil begins to rise to the top.
*Add the meat stock or water, depending on how thick or light you want the stew to be.The more stock you add the lighter, the soup will be.
Leave to boil for 10 minutes.
*Now, add the cooked beef, the fresh fish ,cooked stock fish and dried fish. Also add the chopped onions,the pepper, ground crayfish,stock cube and salt to taste.
Stir and Cover the pot;then leave to cook for 8 minutes.
*After 8 minutes,add the shredded leaves simmer for 2-3 minutes and your Ofe Akwu is ready. ENJOY..
Ofe Akwu is usually served with boiled Rice or yams,but can also be enjoyed with boiled plantains.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Food for athletes!!
☆What Broccoli contains☆
・The vitamin C
It contains the twice vitamin C of lemon, and seven times of potato.By the vitamin C, you can expect pigmentation prevention, such as spots and freckles of skin.If you eat 100g broccoli, you can take the vitamin C you have to do a day.
・The vitamin A and Carotene
These nutrients protect skin and mucous membrane.
・The vitamin B
This strengthens immunity.This is good for prevention of cold of cold season.
This is one of the mineral.Chromium burns of fat and make a muscle.
The best point of Broccoli!
Broccoli is serves to inhibit cancer.The nutrient contained in Broccoli activates the function of the detoxification enzyme in the liver and enhances the ability to excrete carcinogens and toxic substances from the body.This effect is persistent, and lasts more than 3 days. Buds of Broccoli have this nutrient more than mature Broccoli. It is sold in supermarket as Broccoli Sprouts. If you eat 25g Broccoli Sprouts a week, you can halve the risk of developing cancer.When you want the same effect in broccoli, you have to eat 500g Broccoli a week.
First,you should buy a delicious and fresh Broccoli whose buds are tight, dense and raised in the center.Purplish Broccoli is the thing that was exposed well to sunlight and received a frost, and is said to be delicious dark sweet.The difference in the green density is the difference in the cultivation temperature, so there is no difference in the nutrient.The one that is blooming flower or color is discolored brownish will fall taste and nutrient.
Next, you should eat Broccoli soon because it doesn't have a long shelf life.Also,if you save it at room temperature, it will bloom flower immediately. So,you have to boil it quickly and put it in bag and save it in the refrigerator.
Then, you can make a salad or pickled, by using sliced boiled Broccoli's stem and its buds.You cal also eat delicious part of the thick stem if you peel the thick skin.When you boil the stem,you should shorten the time for boiling in order to prevent vitamin C loss.
Finally, let me introduce you the perfect dish for athletes.What I recommend you is "Boiled lightly of Chicken and Broccoli." Recipe is very simple.
Boiled lightly of chicken and broccoli
・One broccoli
・Two chicken breast meat
・Potato starch
Two cups of water
How to Cook
1.Divide the broccoli to the ovary.
2. Cut small meat and sprinkle salt and potato starch.(Don't forget to shake off extra flour)
3.Boil the broth and put 1 and 2 in it.
Then,serve the dish when Broccoli is softened.
Thank you for reading!!
I hope you to understand advantage of Broccoli.
Let's eat Broccoli as possible.
Do you know that Broccoli is eaten by many athletes?
WHAT?(What is the Broccoli?)
Broccoli is cruciferous and a friend of cabbage. Season of Broccoli is winter from autumn. Place of origin is Eastern Mediterranean coast, and it's made in Italy. There remains a record to prove Broccoli had been already eaten from Roman era. Broccoli came to Japan in Meiji era. For the first time, Cauliflower is eaten more than Broccoli, but consumption of Broccoli is more than that of cauliflower now.WHY?(Why is the Broccoli eaten by many athlete?)
Because Broccoli is high in nutrient!!☆What Broccoli contains☆
・The vitamin C
It contains the twice vitamin C of lemon, and seven times of potato.By the vitamin C, you can expect pigmentation prevention, such as spots and freckles of skin.If you eat 100g broccoli, you can take the vitamin C you have to do a day.
・The vitamin A and Carotene
These nutrients protect skin and mucous membrane.
・The vitamin B
This strengthens immunity.This is good for prevention of cold of cold season.
This is one of the mineral.Chromium burns of fat and make a muscle.
The best point of Broccoli!
Broccoli is serves to inhibit cancer.The nutrient contained in Broccoli activates the function of the detoxification enzyme in the liver and enhances the ability to excrete carcinogens and toxic substances from the body.This effect is persistent, and lasts more than 3 days. Buds of Broccoli have this nutrient more than mature Broccoli. It is sold in supermarket as Broccoli Sprouts. If you eat 25g Broccoli Sprouts a week, you can halve the risk of developing cancer.When you want the same effect in broccoli, you have to eat 500g Broccoli a week.
I tell you HOW to choose, save and cook Broccoli!!First,you should buy a delicious and fresh Broccoli whose buds are tight, dense and raised in the center.Purplish Broccoli is the thing that was exposed well to sunlight and received a frost, and is said to be delicious dark sweet.The difference in the green density is the difference in the cultivation temperature, so there is no difference in the nutrient.The one that is blooming flower or color is discolored brownish will fall taste and nutrient.
Next, you should eat Broccoli soon because it doesn't have a long shelf life.Also,if you save it at room temperature, it will bloom flower immediately. So,you have to boil it quickly and put it in bag and save it in the refrigerator.
Then, you can make a salad or pickled, by using sliced boiled Broccoli's stem and its buds.You cal also eat delicious part of the thick stem if you peel the thick skin.When you boil the stem,you should shorten the time for boiling in order to prevent vitamin C loss.
Finally, let me introduce you the perfect dish for athletes.What I recommend you is "Boiled lightly of Chicken and Broccoli." Recipe is very simple.
Boiled lightly of chicken and broccoli
・One broccoli
・Two chicken breast meat
・Potato starch
Two cups of water
How to Cook
1.Divide the broccoli to the ovary.
2. Cut small meat and sprinkle salt and potato starch.(Don't forget to shake off extra flour)
3.Boil the broth and put 1 and 2 in it.
Then,serve the dish when Broccoli is softened.
Thank you for reading!!
I hope you to understand advantage of Broccoli.
Let's eat Broccoli as possible.
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